Stamperia Baldan Stefano - Stampi e Articoli per cacciapesca
 Italian version
Stamperia Baldan Stefano - Paintings and artistic works in wood and cork
Via Sopra Cornio, 9/a 30010 Campolongo Maggiore - VENICE - ITALY
Tel/Fax 049.9725495 Cell. 333.4974880 - P.Iva 03360340271
  Events and trade fairs > GAME FAIR 2014 | From 31 May to 2 June 2014...
GAME FAIR 2014 | From 31 May to 2 June 2014
Italian fair about hunting, fishing, arms, dogs,horses.
During this weekend is possible to see falconry shows and try to do skeet shooting, sling shooting, archery and much more...
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