Stamperia Baldan Stefano - Stampi e Articoli per cacciapesca
 Italian version
Stamperia Baldan Stefano - Paintings and artistic works in wood and cork
Via Sopra Cornio, 9/a 30010 Campolongo Maggiore - VENICE - ITALY
Tel/Fax 049.9725495 Cell. 333.4974880 - P.Iva 03360340271
Collectible duck and bird decoys
Vintage duck decoys
Hunting duck decoys
Duck calls
Other products
Cutting boards
Planning - construction - restoration
Collectible duck and bird decoys
In our atelier there are a lot of different duck and bird decoys as wading birds, web-footed birds, passerines that enchant who enters carrying him away in a charming world.
Every Stamperia Baldan decoy is characterized by its particular pose and the obsessive care for the details of the neck, wings and legs that make it more real: Mallards taking wing stretching the neck, Little Egrets hunting, Pintails polishing the feathers…

Collectible duck and bird decoys are realized as ornaments for country houses and inns, for collectors, for museums and for nature&animals lovers. The materials used are cork, wood and a particular material used to make the claws of the birds. The eyes are made of glass.
All our decoys can replace the old stuffed animals thanks to the shape, the body, the plumage colour and the position that make the duck or the bird as the real one.
Every duck and bird decoy is life-size and could be built in scale, if on request.
They are always followed-up by Baldan Decoys® Warranty Certificate that guarantees the 100% handmade Italian production.
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Vintage duck decoys
This section is dedicated to vintage Italian duck decoys. Beautiful old typical items usually not easy to find.
Hunting duck decoys
Hunting duck decoys are designed and built especially for the hunting world. They are waterproof, entirely handmade with pure cork which guarantees a perfect floating and have a calibrated load. Our hunting duck decoys can be requested in every size and position, choosing between European breeds and extra European breeds. Moreover if you already own some wooden hunting duck decoys we can also restore them.
Our paintings are characterized with perfect subjects and painting technique thanks to the person who creates them. He's an important wood and nature connoisseur. We paint on canvas, clothes, fabrics, glass, walls. Even in three-dimensional.
Duck calls
Other products
In this section you find fine caskets, wall clocks, custom-cut coat racks, animal compositions for museums, music boxes, jewel cases, marquetry on stock rifles, wodden boxes, corckscrews, glove boxes, wall plates, painted tiles... Everything in hunting style.
Cutting boards
Original cutting boards made of oak or poplar. They are obtained by wooden planks then carved and hand-painted. Suitable also to show because they are thick and painted in both sides.
Hand painted trays made of different materials.
Available also all-wood trays obtained by wooden blocks, completely hand carved and inlaid.
From nature lovers for nature lovers we organize birdwatching excursions around the Venetian Lagoon. Click for further information!
Planning - construction - restoration
Stamperia Baldan also works in the restoration of churches, old houses, buildings both private and public. We restore also plaster, wooden and granite statues and different type of paintings and murals. We added a sector for construction: we plan and realize fireplaces, inns, brickworks and buildings as our customer desire.
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